
Zojo-ji is the main temple for the Jodo sect of Japanese Buddhism in the Kanto Region. Zojo-ji is a large temple that resides in front of the Tokyo tower, and it consists of several smaller structures as well as a mausoleum of the Tokugawa family and a small museum.

When entering the Zoji-ji, there is a large red gate. This is called the Sangedatsumon Gate. This is usually a beautiful splash of color in the middle of the city, but when I was there, the gate was under construction, so I didn’t take any photos.

It seems that currently, the gate is finished with its construction, so many of the other structures within this temple are under construction.

Along with the mausoleum of the Tokugawa family and a small museum, there is the Nishimukikannon (jizo statues at a unborn child cemetart), In the mausoleum of the Tokugawa family, six of the fifteen Tokugawa shogun are buried at this mausoleum.

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